Shredder Wizard
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Why Oil Your Shredder?

It is very important to keep your shredder running at peak condition and the oiling of the cutting cylinders is always recommended, especially for all cross-cut shredders. Placing the specially formulated lubricant onto the cutters you will prolong the life of your shredder, and also save time when shredding. Shredders that are not oiled regularly will start to process paper waste much more slowly after just a couple of days. This is because most cutting cylinders are designed to run more smoothly if kept slightly lubricated. Other advantages include the elimination of annoying squeaks that sometimes occur, after a build up of paper or paper dust, with strip-cut shredders.
After a period of time shredding machines that are not oiled will:
  • Start to shred fewer sheets of paper per pass and per minute
  • Make the destruction process much longer and more tedious
  • Be more prone to jamming, resulting in more mess after reversing
  • Cost more to service with more frequent visits
  • Negate the manufacturers warranty
"The best analogy to use is that you can ride your bike without oiling the chain, but it will make the pedaling much harder therefore taking longer to get from A to B"
Shredders that destroy waste to High Security (DIN 5) can cut a single sheet of paper into over 10,000 particles so they will require oiling much more frequently than Medium Security (DIN 3) machines producing up to 500 particles.
3 Types of oil are generally available:
Bottled Oil - can either be applied into the cutting entry throat directly onto the cutting cylinders, or by running some lines onto a piece of paper and shredding it.
Spray Oil - a lighter formulated oil using either an aerosol or pump spray
Lubrication Sheets - very popular individual Sachets that are impregnated with oil that once shredded, release the lubricant directly onto the cutting cylinders. This eliminates any mess and is extremely effective.
NB. All manufacturers (with the exception of Rexel) recommend that you oil your shredder regularly using either bottles or cans of oil or lubrication sachets. Rexel recommend that you only use lubrication sachets to lubricate their machines.
Be careful
Always use oil that is recommended by shredder experts - All products are formulated with special lubricant that will not cause a build up of paper dust which would reverse the benefits of oiling, and are available with COSSH sheets on request.